Back again? I assumed as much. You saw my ass in leather pants in the preview and immediately your mouth began to water. You live to see my ass in leather pants. You can imagine them, cant you? You can imagine their smell, their warmth. You can see the way they shine and enhance the curve of my glorious ass. You only wish you could reach out through the screen and touch them. But you cant. You can only worship my leather pants, and whats underneath them, from afar.
Date: July 9, 2024
AssCumDirtyDominationFemdomFuckGoddessJerk OffJerkingLeatherMasturbationMouthPovWorshipJoi, Dirty Talk, Jerk Off Instruction, Femdom Pov, Goddess Alexandra Snow, Dirty Talk, Femdom Pov, Joi, Jerkoff Encouragement, Pov, Jerkoff Instructions, Masturbation Instruction, Goddess Worship, Findom, Tease And Denial, Financial Domination, Cum Countd
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